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No Standard Library

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In the Program Structure page, we briefly mentioned that vexide is a “no_std” environment, but what does that actually mean? In this page, we’re going to look a little deeper into these two lines at the top of your file, as well as how they change the way we write our code in vexide.
#![no_std]#![no_main]use vexide::prelude::*;#[vexide::main]async fn main(peripherals: Peripherals) {    println!("Hello World!");}

Bare Metal Environments

A platform is said to be “bare metal” if the code you write for it is ran outside of a traditional operating system. The VEX V5 Brain isn’t quite a bare metal platform per se, but it comes close. From the perspective of user code, VEXos only loosely meets the definition of an operating system.

The Rust Standard Library

Rust’s standard library (also known as libstd) requires integration with an operating system to run in order to provide functionality like file system access, networking, threading, and other OS-dependent features. At the time of writing this, the standard library has not yet been ported to VEXos meaning that vexide programs must be written without using the std crate. This is what #![no_std] declares — that we don’t want to use libstd in our project.

Attempting to use anything from the standard library in a no_std environment will throw a compiler error.

{...}#![no_std]#![no_main]use vexide::prelude::*;
use std::time::Duration;
error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of unresolved module or unlinked crate `std`
#[vexide::main]async fn main(peripherals: Peripherals) { let three_seconds = Duration::from_secs(3);}

The core and alloc crates

I want my Duration struct! How do I get it without the standard library?

In a no_std environment, you aren’t entirely on your own. Instead of std you have access to two smaller subsets of the standard library — libcore and liballoc. These are essentially the parts of std that aren’t OS-dependent.

  • core provides us with all of the platform-agnostic features like primitives, macros, and familiar types like Option, Result, and Duration. core has no dependencies on the operating system and can run virtually anywhere.
  • alloc provides memory allocation capabilities and collection types that require allocation, such as Vec, Box, String, and other heap-based data structures. alloc doesn’t require an OS, but it does need a memory allocator (which vexide provides for you).

To fix our previous code, we can simply import Duration from core rather than std.

{...}#![no_std]#![no_main]use vexide::prelude::*;
use std::time::Duration;use core::time::Duration;#[vexide::main]async fn main(peripherals: Peripherals) { let three_seconds = Duration::from_secs(3);}

Likewise, if we wanted to create a Vec (which allocates memory on the heap), we can declare the alloc crate using extern crate alloc and use its Vec type in place of the standard library’s std::vec::Vec.

#![no_std]#![no_main]extern crate alloc;use vexide::prelude::*;use alloc::vec::Vec;#[vexide::main]async fn main(peripherals: Peripherals) {    let mut my_vec = Vec::new();    my_vec.push(1);    my_vec.push(2);}

Operating System APIs in vexide

Combined together, the core and alloc crates fill up almost all of the gaps left by our lack of a standard library. core and alloc are still missing many OS-specific features that you might want to use like I/O, timekeeping, filesystem access, threads, program control, and floating-point math.

Luckily, vexide itself fills in most of these remaining gaps! For example, vexide provides its own Instant type that mirrors the one in std for measuring time.

{...}#![no_std]#![no_main]use vexide::prelude::*;
use vexide::core::time::Instant; // rather than std::time::Instant#[vexide::main]async fn main(peripherals: Peripherals) { let start = Instant::now(); sleep(Duration::from_secs(5)).await; let elapsed = start.elapsed(); println!("Took {start:?} seconds to sleep.");}

Most of these “std-equivalent” APIs live in the vexide::core module. This module provides APIs for interacting with VEXos like you would in a libstd-enabled environment.

  • I/O types and traits are provided by vexide::core::io.
  • Timekeeping is provided by vexide::core::time::Instant.
  • Synchronization primitives are provided by vexide::core::sync.
  • Program control is provided by vexide::core::program.
  • Filesystem access to SDCards is provided by vexide::core::fs.
  • Synchronization primitives are provided by vexide::core::sync.
  • Panicking features are provided by vexide::panic.
  • Threads don’t exist in vexide, but we do have multitasking using async rust.

Most of these modules should look familiar if you’ve worked with their equivalents in std before.


  • vexide projects are no_std environments, meaning we cannot use Rust’s std crate.
  • Instead, we have the core and alloc crates. These are subsets of the standard library that aren’t dependent on a specific operating system.
  • Most of the remaining OS-specific features missing from core are provided by vexide itself in vexide::core.